The form of a practical definition. Then we will move on to the types and examples of anchor text, adding a brief explanation of its impact and importance for SEO. What is anchor text? Anchor text is the text visible in place of the link. In other words, it is clickable content that is part of a hyperlink. Freely translated, anchor text means "anchored text", although - as in the case of many other phrases related to HTML or SEO - the phrase in Polish is used relatively rarely.
It is easy to guess that the name comes from its purpose. This is not plain text, but an additional, anchored link element. Although there are many types of anchor text (more on this later in the article), it is usually intended photo editor to change a "naked link" into a more friendly form. what is anchor text In short, anchor text makes it easier for the user and the search engine. In both cases, it helps you understand more quickly and easily where a link goes. Therefore, it is a key aspect of both internal linking.
Links pointing to another subpage in the same domain) and external linking (links pointing to another domain). Types and examples of anchor text Anchor text, apart from being part of the HTML tag, is also ago, but still crucial. And while it may seem seemingly simple to understand, it actually isn't. We must remember that anchor texts are divided into several main types, some of which constitute additional subcategories.